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Archie, a 4-year-old Macedonian rescue dog, came to us for residential training to address several behavioural challenges. Archie had been struggling with nervousness and anxiety in social situations, particularly when interacting with people and other dogs. His fear often manifested in reactive behaviours such as barking or lunging, which were concerning for his new owners. They sought professional help to ensure Archie could live a more peaceful and confident life.

Initial Challenges

When Archie first arrived for training, it was clear that his nervousness stemmed from past trauma, possibly linked to his experiences as a rescue dog in Macedonia. His nervous nature would cause him to react unpredictably in environments that were new or overwhelming. Key issues included:

  1. Fear-based Reactivity: Archie would bark and sometimes lunge at unfamiliar people or dogs, especially when they approached him too quickly.
  2. Lack of Confidence in New Environments: Archie found it difficult to feel comfortable in busy areas, such as parks or streets with lots of foot traffic.
  3. Reluctance to Trust Strangers: Due to his past, Archie was hesitant to form connections with people he didn’t know well, making initial training sessions challenging.

Training Approach

The key to Archie’s rehabilitation was building trust and confidence through a series of tailored, positive experiences. Our approach was primarily focused on counter-conditioning, which involves changing Archie’s emotional response to the situations that triggered his anxiety.

Step 1: Building Trust

At the outset, it was crucial to establish a bond between Archie and his trainers. By using calm, consistent interactions, we worked on creating a safe space for him. This included:

  • Spending time in relaxed, non-confrontational settings to reduce his anxiety.
  • Using positive reinforcement, such as treats and affection, to reward calm behaviour when Archie was in the presence of new people or other dogs.

Step 2: Confidence Building through Counter-Conditioning

Once a foundation of trust was built, the focus shifted to counter-conditioning, which aimed to transform Archie’s negative associations with people and dogs into positive ones. This involved:

  • Controlled Exposure: Archie was gradually exposed to environments where he previously struggled, such as parks or paths frequented by other dogs. Each time Archie stayed calm, he was rewarded.
  • Desensitisation to Triggers: We worked to decrease Archie’s sensitivity to his triggers by introducing them in a controlled and systematic manner. For example, introducing new dogs at a distance and slowly closing the gap as Archie remained calm.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Every successful interaction – whether Archie remained composed when a person approached or walked calmly past another dog – was met with treats and praise, helping him associate these experiences with something rewarding.

Step 3: Managing and Redirecting Behaviour

As Archie gained confidence, we also taught his owners how to manage and redirect his nervous behaviours in real-life situations. This included:

  • Using commands like “watch me” to focus his attention away from potential triggers.
  • Encouraging calm behaviours with rewards, ensuring his positive associations were reinforced consistently at home and in public.


By the end of his residential training, Archie had made significant progress. His reactivity to people and dogs had greatly diminished, and he was able to handle previously stressful situations with much more ease. His newfound confidence allowed him to enjoy walks with his owners and engage more positively with his environment.

Archie’s transformation was a testament to the power of patience, trust, and positive reinforcement. By working through his anxiety with a methodical approach, we were able to turn his nervous and reactive behaviours into calmer, more confident ones. His new owners in Mansfield, now have a more relaxed and happier companion who continues to build on the skills learned during training.

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