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Improve Your Dog’s Recall!

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Struggling to get your dog to come when called? A reliable recall is essential for your dog’s safety and helps you enjoy off-leash adventures together. Here are some top tips to help strengthen your dog’s recall and make coming back to you the most exciting part of their day! If you need more tailored support, we cover these techniques in our one-to-one training sessions.

1. Start in a Low-Distraction Environment

Begin your recall training in a quiet, distraction-free area like your home or garden. This controlled environment allows your dog to focus solely on learning the command. Once they master it in this setting, you can gradually introduce more challenging environments.

2. Use a High-Value Reward

Make coming back to you exciting! Use high-value treats, toys, or whatever your dog finds irresistible. The key is to make returning to you the best option available. By reserving their favourite treats or toys for recall training, you reinforce the idea that coming to you is always worthwhile.

3. Keep It Fun!

Recall training should be a fun and positive experience. Incorporate games into your sessions to keep your dog engaged. For example, toss a treat in front of them, then walk backward while facing them. Once they’ve eaten the treat, call their name and continue moving backward. When they run to you, reward them with another treat and plenty of praise. Making recall a playful exercise encourages a quicker response and helps your dog see you as a source of fun!

4. Use a Consistent Command

Choose a simple command like “Come!” or use a whistle and stick with it. Consistency is crucial in recall training. Using the same command each time helps your dog understand exactly what you want them to do. A clear, upbeat tone will encourage a quicker response.

5. Never Call for Something Negative

It’s vital to associate recall with positive experiences. Avoid calling your dog to you for things they might dislike, like ending playtime or bath time. This helps prevent negative associations with the command. Instead, make sure that coming back to you is always rewarding and enjoyable.

6. Practice Recall in Different Environments

Once your dog responds reliably in a low-distraction area, gradually introduce them to new settings. Start in your garden, move to a quiet park, and slowly work up to busier environments. Practicing recall in various settings helps your dog adapt and prepares them for real-world situations where recall is crucial.

7. Be Patient

Recall training takes time, so be patient and positive throughout the process. Your dog might not get it right away, but every bit of progress deserves praise. Celebrating small successes will build their confidence and keep them motivated to learn.

8. Use a Long Line for Safety and Guidance

A long line (10-30 feet) is a useful tool during recall training, allowing your dog some freedom while still giving you control. Use the command once; if they don’t respond, gently guide them back using the line. Avoid rewarding them if you had to use the line to bring them in. Rewards should only come when they choose to return on their own. This reinforces the idea that willingly responding to recall is what earns them praise and treats.

Need More Help? We Can Assist!

Recall training can sometimes feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Our one-to-one training sessions are designed to offer personalised support tailored to your dog’s unique needs. Whether your dog struggles with focus, gets distracted easily, or just needs a little extra motivation, we’ll work with you to develop a customized plan to help you both succeed.

Improving your dog’s recall takes consistency, patience, and lots of positive reinforcement. By keeping training fun, using high-value rewards, and practicing in different environments, you can make coming back to you the highlight of your dog’s day. With the right approach—and a little help from our one-to-one sessions if you need it—you’ll soon see their recall become stronger and more dependable.

If you need extra help or a tailored approach, our one-to-one training sessions are here to support you every step of the way. With the right guidance, you’ll soon enjoy off-leash adventures with confidence, knowing your dog’s recall is strong and dependable.

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